
We know that sometimes just getting a robot to work is a challenge. Besides mechanical engineering, assembling hardware components, and developing application software, your robotics team must be able to manage a remote and distributed fleet of robots.

We have partnered with InOrbit, the global leader in RobOps (DevOps for robotics) so you can get the benefit of a dedicated development team and a scalable, secure platform for robot management. Now, instead of having to build an ad hoc solution that consumes precious time and money, you can be up and running in 61 seconds with InOrbit, while we develop custom extensions and application-specific software to meet your specific needs.

InOrbit and Ekumen understand startups and our offerings are designed to grow with your company: you can get started on InOrbit for free and then pay a monthly fee based on your usage. InOrbit is Software-as-a-Service so there’s no infrastructure for you to worry about. Through our strategic partnership with InOrbit, we can help create robot-specific configurations, use APIs to create custom extensions and help inform InOrbit’s product roadmap.

Get the best of both worlds with Ekumen and InOrbit. Contact us now or visit to learn more.

Through a multi-year collaboration, we help maintain two critical Open Robotics open source products used worldwide, ROS and Gazebo. Our contributions help keep them not just working, but continually improving. We’re proud to be trusted collaborators of widely used and well-established open source robotics programming and simulation products. As an integral part of the Open Robotics team, we’re not only a go-to support for development and testing, but also advisors they know they can confidently refer to clients and customers. It’s part of our mission to contribute to the larger robotics ecosystem. This is one way we showcase our values as passionate advocates, developers and leaders.

Aligned philosophies and collegial relationships add value to each of our businesses but also to our customers and clients. Partnering with Open Robotics is core to our work since their technology supports our work for many of our clients. As we assist in bringing clients to market through any of our services, we leverage our deep expertise for ROS and Gazebo. We can also help customize them to meet specific client requirements. Whether working with the current iteration of open source or carefully tailoring it to a client’s needs, we work enthusiastically and efficiently to help get products up and running.

Hundreds of thousands of users and developers rely on Open Robotics. We’re proud they rely on us.